Monday, 11 August 2008


Welcome. This is a blog about music. Or at least it will be as soon as I write more posts. First, of course, I need to introduce said blog. So, here we go.

I love music. I love listening to music, reading and talking about music. Thus, in theory I should also love writing about it. I'm writing this blog to find out. Also, I'm hoping to write something entertaining, interesting, free of snobbery and funny.

I should point out now that I'm not, and have never been, a musician (well, except for when I played recorder back in Year 3). So I'm not going to be discussing tracks in terms of time signatures and double quavers or any of that jazz.

Another thing I should mention is that (in case you hadn't twigged already) I'm not a professional reviewer or anything like that. I'm just a student, and like the stereotypical student my pockets are empty. I can't afford to buy all the albums that come out, and nor do I have the time to listen to all of them on my own. Basically what I'm saying is I'll write about anything I happen to be listening to, not necessarily what's newest.

With all that out of the way, enjoy!

1 comment:

tom said...

Sounds interesting Mr M. Apologies for the potentially random comment on your blog, but I've just found you on Twitter which subsequently brought me to the blog, so I thought I'd have a little read. All the best, Tom.